About Wilma

  • AKC registered
  • Red tri female
  • 2 amber eyes
  • 21 inches
  • 53 pounds
  • B Locus  b/b
  • M Locus  non-merle  HAPPY FOR THIS!   I’ve bought alot of prospects that look like a tri and are NOT.

Wilma has been here growing up since she was a puppy.  She has a big blocky beautiful head and is as loyal as the day is long.  She is hard to get pictures of because she wants to be in your back pocket.  Rarely does she bark and she doesn’t ever egg on a fight with the other bitches.  Her fault or claim to fame, however you want to look at it, is her ability to jump to the top of things we’d rather she doesn’t.  It is very common to see her looking over a fence while perching herself on a dog house or on a calf hutch we use to grow tomatoes in the garden.  It’s a challenge to her and she accepts every time.  We really wish she would stop. LOL  Wilma was bred to Whiskey and produced some fantastic pups!  In an exciting decision of who to breed her to for her next litter, we decided to go with Yoshi.  Yoshi packs an impressive pedigree and if we can fault him, it is the fact that he is black based.  No red pups for Yoshi and it doesn’t matter who we breed him to.  BUT all of this litter will be red factored (brown based)   We expected a fantastic litter and we were NOT DISAPPOINTED!  And apparently all of you agree because at the time of this writing, the ELEVEN  puppies (yes I said ELEVEN) are as beautiful as we expected and 8 of the 11 have already been reserved.  (December 3)